Walden Pond

As you may (or may not) know, this blog is named after Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, written about his time living by Walden Pond in Massachusetts.  I wrote about it in my first post here when I started this blog.  Here is a picture of the day I visited there as a teenager:


It shows my dad, my brother and I skipping rocks on the pond.

I was pretty excited to get to go visit the pond again when my husband and son and I went to the Boston area last month, and found it really touching to see this:


My son and his dad, walking and skipping rocks on the pond, 22 years after my last visit.  With the amount of work I’ve put into my little orchard (which I’m referencing in the title of this blog), especially this past year, and the difference in perspective it has given me to have my job be taking care of plants outdoors, it was pretty emotional to be in that spot which has been so inspiring to me over the years.  I hope my little son can remember it fondly enough to want to revisit one day as an adult too!

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